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Training, Seminars and Articles


Additional Legal Training

National Institute of Trial Advocacy (NITA): Trial Skills Course Graduate, Los Angeles, CA January 2006.  Attended week-long course to refine trial advocacy skills, working with some of the best trial lawyers in the country.


Seminars Presented


Business Entities in California                                                   Los Angeles, February 2017

Presented a seminar to French business people in Los Angeles regarding the various legal entities available to operate businesses.


Intellectual property in the US                                                  Los Angeles, January 2015

Presented a seminar to French business people in Los Angeles regarding various intellectual property protection available for businesses.


Section 1031 Property Exchanges                                                        Santa Monica, CA- March 2008

Presented a seminar to real estate agents regarding the legal requirements for complying with property exchange rules allowing deferral of gain on sale of a property.


California Fair Claims Seminar                                                              London, UK- June 2006

Presented a seminar to Lloyd’s of London and various London Market Companies, regarding California standards for handling California claims.


California Fair Claims Seminar                                                              London, UK- May 2005

Presented a seminar to Lloyd’s of London and various London Market Companies, regarding California standards for handling California claims.


California Fair Claims Seminar                                                              London, UK- June 2003

Presented a seminar to Lloyd’s of London and various London Market Companies, regarding California standards for handling California claims.


Insurability of Punitive Damages                                                            Paris, France- June 2003

Presented a seminar to AXA Corporate Solutions claim adjusters and underwriters regarding the insurability of punitive damages.


Claims Handling US/ EPL Claims US                                                        Paris, France- May 2002

Presented a seminar to AGF adjusters and underwriters, in French, regarding the American Judicial System, an overview of Claim Handling throughout the United States, Burden of Proof on Coverage and Exclusions, Insurability of Punitive Damages, and EPL Claims and Insurance Liability.


California Fair Claims Seminar                                                              London, UK- May 2002

Presented a seminar to Lloyd’s of London and various London Market Companies, regarding California standards for handling California claims.


American Judicial System/ Insurance Claims Handling US                   Paris, France- Feb 2002

Presented a seminar to Paris International Underwriters group, in French, regarding the American Judicial System, and an overview of Claim Handling throughout the United States.


Deposition and Testimony Basics Under US Judicial System                   Paris, France- Feb 2002

Presented a seminar to AXA Corporate Solutions claim adjusters and underwriters regarding US judicial procedures for depositions and trial testimony.


California Fair Claims Seminar                                                               London, UK- June 2001

Presented a seminar to Lloyd’s of London and various London Market Companies, regarding California standards for handling California claims.


American Judicial System/ Insurance Claims Handling US           Paris, France- April 2001, June 2001


Presented a seminar to AXA Corporate Solutions’ D&O Department in April 2001, and to AXA’s General Liability Department in June 2001, in French, regarding the American Judicial System, and an overview of Claim Handling throughout the United States.


EPL/ Sexual Harassment Claims Presentation                                         Los Angeles, CA- June 2000

Presented a seminar to British Insurers’ “Under 35” group, on the topic of Sexual Harassment Claims under California and Federal Laws.


California Fair Claims Seminar                                                               London, UK- May 2000

Presented a seminar to Lloyd’s of London and various London Market Companies, regarding California standards for handling California claims, and provided an overview of various’ states claims handling regulations.



Articles and Law Review


Forming Distinct Entities For Separate Businesses    French District- November 2018

Wrote an article (in French) regarding the importance of selecting distance entities for separate businesses.


Organizing Legal Entities in California                         French District-November 2017

Wrote an article (in French) regarding selecting the property legal entity


Reinsurance Accounting CA Regulations                                              Mendes Perspectives-Aug 2006

Wrote an article regarding updating readers regarding the status of significant reinsurance accounting regulatory changes under California law.


Reinsurance Accounting CA Regulations                                              Mendes Perspectives-Apr 2006

Wrote an article regarding proposed CA regulations regarding reinsurance accounting regulatory changes under California law.


New CA Fair Claims Regulations                                                           Mendes Perspectives-May 2005

Wrote an article regarding new CA regulations Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations.


New CA Fair Claims Regulations                                                           Mendes Perspectives-Oct 2003

Wrote an article regarding the delayed status of the new CA regulations Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations which were scheduled to take effect in July 2003.


A Fair Use Analysis Of Trademark Parody                                       Loyola Entertainment LJ- Fall 1991

Wrote a law review article “A Fair Use Analysis of Trademark Parody: Cliffs Notes, Inc. v. Bantam Doubleday Del Publishing Group” 11 Loy. Ent. Law Jrnl. 223 analyzing the District Court’s decision to allow a third party’s use of a trademark in the context of parody.

© 2015  by Law Offices of David A. Robinson


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